May 14, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Digital Marketing and Landing an Agency Job

In terms of marketing jobs, digital is where it’s at. Job growth year over year continues to increase and new skills and positions are popping up every year. Between working “in house” or at an agency, agencies generally offer a faster rate of learning and a greater variety of work. So how do you get a job at a digital agency?

Voracious Learning & Passion

As an industry, digital marketing is evolving quickly. So much so, that if you were to let your foot off the gas and let your skills stagnate, you’ll quickly be left behind. Successful digital marketers consume and use new tactics.
Recommended reading for beginners: Moz Beginners Guide to SEO, Moz Beginner’s Guide to Social Media, Moz Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing, Moz Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics.

Build a Personal Website

All that stuff you just read about above? It’s just surface-level until you can apply it in a meaningful way. Without real clients to work with, a personal blog or website is a great way to learn to apply some of these techniques as well as to get exposure to:

  • Website Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Basic HTML
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO
  • Analytics
  • Digital Advertising from the publishers point of view


Digital is at a place in time where no one person can be great at everything. So it’s a bit silly when people’s resumes claim expertise in “website design, website development, social media marketing, and SEO”. Moz has a great article on “The T-Shaped Web Marketer” that quickly illustrates why knowing a little bit of everything, but specializing in one vertical is a good personal development strategy.

Know Your Metrics and Industry Terminology

Digital is a revolution in marketing and one of the underlying ethos is a tie to data. Content marketers need to know their organic traffic and time on page stats, designers need to know how their designs push users to CTA’s (Call to Action), developers need to know about their LAMP stack and techniques for reducing page load time, and online media buyers should know their ROAS (Return on Ad Spend.) In interviews, knowledge of metrics related to your discipline and your mastery of them will set you apart.

Get Certified

Beyond a degree or diploma in marketing, digital usually requires specialized certificates that show competency in a variety of fields. Some popular certifications are:

Nice Touches for the Interview

Because this is digital, there are a few things that you should absolutely do before an interview:

  • Find the person who is likely doing the interview, creep them on Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn/Twitter/etc.
  • Read about the company from their website. Learn their priorities and be able to reference some parts of the website in depth.
    • Figure out what events the company is attending and show up to one. Prioritize talking to people from the company.
  • Spend time talking about your strongest work. Don’t bring 10 so-so work items that you don’t feel comfortable defending
  • Call an agency up and try to book a portfolio review. It’s a great way to get honest feedback on your work and make a connection that can advocate for you.

Competition is getting fierce, but with the tips above, hopefully you can get your foot in the door. We also presented at NAIT IT Connections on this very topic, check out the slide deck for more details.
What are you waiting for? Apply today!

Expanding Your Digital Marketing Toolkit

Digital marketing agencies seek professionals with diverse skills. According to a 2023 survey by DigitalMarketer, 78% of agencies value candidates with cross-functional expertise. Let’s explore additional areas to boost your marketability.

Mastering Data Analytics for Marketing Insights

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in digital marketing. A study by Forrester Research shows that 41% of companies struggle to turn data into actionable insights. To stand out, focus on these key areas:

  • Google Data Studio for creating interactive dashboards
  • R or Python for advanced data analysis and visualization
  • Tableau for creating compelling data stories
  • SQL for querying large datasets

Practice these skills by analyzing your personal website’s data. Create monthly reports showcasing key performance indicators (KPIs) like bounce rate, conversion rate, and average session duration.

Embracing Emerging Technologies in Marketing

Stay ahead of the curve by familiarizing yourself with cutting-edge marketing technologies. According to Gartner, 63% of marketers struggle to leverage AI effectively. Focus on these areas:

  • Chatbots and conversational AI (e.g., MobileMonkey, ManyChat)
  • Augmented Reality marketing (e.g., Snapchat’s AR lenses)
  • Voice search optimization (e.g., Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa)
  • Blockchain for ad transparency (e.g., AdChain, Lucidity)

Experiment with these technologies on your personal projects. For instance, create a simple chatbot for your website using Dialogflow or implement AR features in your social media campaigns.

Building a Standout Digital Marketing Portfolio

Your portfolio is your ticket to landing an agency job. Make it shine with these strategies:

Showcasing Real-World Impact

Agencies want to see tangible results. According to a survey by The Creative Group, 78% of hiring managers prioritize portfolios showcasing measurable outcomes. Include case studies that demonstrate:

  • Increased organic traffic by X% through SEO optimization
  • Boosted conversion rates by Y% through A/B testing
  • Improved social media engagement by Z% through targeted campaigns

Use tools like Google Data Studio or Tableau to create visually appealing charts and graphs illustrating your achievements.

Highlighting Collaborative Projects

Agencies value team players. Showcase your ability to work in cross-functional teams by including collaborative projects in your portfolio. For example:

  • Participate in hackathons like Google’s “Marketing Code Jam”
  • Contribute to open-source marketing projects on GitHub
  • Collaborate with designers and developers on pro-bono projects for local non-profits

Document your role, challenges faced, and solutions implemented in each project. This demonstrates your problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities.

Networking Strategies for Digital Marketers

Building a strong professional network is crucial for landing agency jobs. According to LinkedIn, 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Here are effective strategies:

Leveraging Social Media for Professional Connections

Use social platforms strategically to connect with industry professionals:

  • Twitter: Participate in marketing-focused Twitter chats like #ContentChat or #SEMrushChat
  • LinkedIn: Join groups like “Digital Marketing Professionals Worldwide” (500,000+ members)
  • Reddit: Engage in subreddits like r/marketing and r/DigitalMarketing

Aim to make at least 5 new connections per week and engage meaningfully with their content.

Attending Industry Events and Conferences

Face-to-face networking remains powerful. Consider attending these events:

  • Content Marketing World in Cleveland, Ohio (September 2024)
  • MozCon in Seattle, Washington (July 2024)
  • Digital Summit series in various cities across the USA

Set a goal to collect at least 10 business cards per event and follow up within 48 hours. Use tools like Evernote or HubSpot CRM to manage your contacts effectively.

Continuous Learning in the Digital Marketing Landscape

The digital marketing field evolves rapidly. Stay updated with these resources:

Following Industry Thought Leaders

Subscribe to blogs and podcasts of marketing experts:

  • Neil Patel’s blog for SEO and content marketing insights
  • Gary Vaynerchuk’s podcast for social media strategies
  • Ann Handley’s newsletter for content marketing wisdom

Set aside 30 minutes daily to consume and reflect on this content. Share your insights on LinkedIn to demonstrate your engagement with industry trends.

Participating in Online Communities

Engage in discussions and knowledge-sharing platforms:

  • Slack communities like Online Geniuses (100,000+ members)
  • Facebook groups such as “Digital Marketing Questions” (50,000+ members)
  • Quora spaces focused on digital marketing topics

Aim to answer at least one question per day in these communities. This showcases your expertise and helps you learn from others’ experiences.

By incorporating these strategies into your job search and professional development, you’ll significantly increase your chances of landing a coveted position at a digital marketing agency. Remember, success in this field requires constant learning and adaptation. Stay curious, be proactive, and never stop honing your skills.

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