March 28, 2024

How to Conquer Hyperlocal Search and Dominate Local Markets

Local search is far from a new concept and if you’ve kept up with our blogs, you’ve probably read all about Local SEO and the various local paid and organic Google changes. Most recently, local has been pushed back into the spotlight because of the accelerating importance of the relationship between hyperlocal and mobile marketing. With more and more Canadians going mobile (3 out of 4 Canadians own a smartphone), the industry has witnessed a huge need for local services with “near me” search queries.

You’ll notice an increasing trend for “near-me” search queries in the last 5 years. (via Google trends)

The “near me” phenomenon has resulted in the massive growth in opportunity to market in a hyperlocal ways.

What is hyperlocal marketing?

In a nutshell, it is locally focused targeting based on a person’s location, with the goal of providing immediate solutions for their needs.

What is the relationship between mobile and hyperlocal advertising?

In 2015, mobile searches exceeded desktop searches – Insights that most likely attribute to the huge growth in hyperlocal search results and the features we know and see today. We now know that a customer’s journey is no longer linear and instead consist of high-interest touchpoints on a variety of devices that do not have a particular order. In fact, customers seem to be researching products and services through various channels before converting.

80% of internet users own a smartphone. (via Smart Insights)

With both of these pieces of information, what can marketers do to reach customers at these high-interest points? First (and most important for the success of a hyperlocal strategy), we need to consider the needs of our customer and understand their intent.
Once we’ve done that, we can create optimized content and experiences to reach them at those high-intent micro moments. Knowing that customer touch points happen on various platforms and devices, we need to hold a mobile-first mentality. Google’s engineers started this in 2010, so it only seems fitting we do it as well.
The largest component of having a mobile-first mentality is making sure a website is mobile friendly especially since mobile-friendliness became a ranking signal in mobile search results from Google’s algorithm update in 2015.  Lastly and probably a no brainer, we need to make sure contact information is prominent and easy to find with eye-catching call-to-actions to allow customers to effortlessly contact you.

Make Your Hyperlocal Marketing Successful

Here are some other tips to ensure your hyperlocal marketing is a success:

Optimize your Google My Business page

Make sure you have created, verified, and optimized your Google My Business page with the correct category, operating hours, and images. And it’s free to do!

NAP Consistency

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number.  Ensure this information is consistent on your website and on across the web.

Create localized website content

Use local topics to garner interest from the local community. Using genuine content about the local area will not only boost location targeting, but will also sound more appealing to people who in or are looking around a particular location.

Use Schema

Consider using structured data markups on your website. One schema that is great with local search is the LocalBusiness schema.  These code markups signal back-end information to Google about your business.

Local Citation Building

Mention your business information on business listings and other directories like 411 and Yelp. Don’t forget about keeping your NAP consistent.

Creating a hyperlocal marketing strategy can be a large task at hand but whether or not you are looking for a mobile-friendly website or local SEO services, Top Draw is here to help!

Leveraging Hyperlocal Search for Small Businesses

Small businesses can greatly benefit from hyperlocal search strategies. According to a 2023 survey by BrightLocal, 93% of consumers used the internet to find a local business in the last year. To capitalize on this trend, businesses should create location-specific landing pages for each service area. For example, a plumber in Toronto could create pages like “Emergency Plumbing Services in Etobicoke” and “24/7 Drain Cleaning in North York”.

Hyperlocal Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing plays a crucial role in hyperlocal search success. Businesses should create blog posts about local events, news, and landmarks. For instance, a coffee shop in Vancouver could write articles like “5 Hidden Gems in Gastown” or “Best Spots to Watch the Celebration of Light Fireworks”. This type of content helps establish local authority and attracts targeted traffic.

Mobile-First Approach for Hyperlocal Success

With mobile searches dominating local queries, a mobile-first approach is essential. According to Statista, mobile devices accounted for 59.4% of global website traffic in Q2 2023. Businesses should prioritize mobile site speed, as Google reports that 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than 3 seconds to load.

Optimizing for Voice Search in Hyperlocal Strategies

Voice search is becoming increasingly important for hyperlocal marketing. A study by Perficient found that 55% of smartphone users engage with voice search. To optimize for voice queries, businesses should focus on natural language and question-based keywords. For example, optimize for phrases like “Where’s the nearest Italian restaurant?” rather than just “Italian restaurant near me”.

Leveraging Social Media for Hyperlocal Marketing

Social media platforms offer powerful tools for hyperlocal marketing. Facebook’s “Local Awareness Ads” allow businesses to target users within a specific radius. Instagram’s location tags and local hashtags can increase visibility to nearby users. According to Sprout Social, 78% of consumers are more willing to buy from a brand after a positive social media interaction.

Harnessing the Power of Local Influencers

Collaborating with local influencers can boost hyperlocal marketing efforts. A study by Tomoson found that businesses earn $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. For example, a boutique hotel in Montreal could partner with local food bloggers or travel photographers to showcase their property and nearby attractions.

Measuring Hyperlocal Marketing Success

To gauge the effectiveness of hyperlocal strategies, businesses should track key metrics. Google My Business Insights provides valuable data on how customers find and interact with your listing. Tools like BrightLocal and Moz Local can help monitor local search rankings and citation consistency. According to a study by LSA Insider, 75% of local searches result in a phone call or in-store visit within 24 hours.

Adapting to Changing Consumer Behaviors

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted local search behavior. A survey by Podium revealed that 84% of consumers have used Google to find information about local businesses during the pandemic. Businesses should highlight safety measures, contactless options, and up-to-date hours on their Google My Business listings and websites to address these evolving consumer needs.

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