March 30, 2016

Mastering Digital Marketing with Insights from Top Draw’s Lunch & Learn Event

❤️ lunch & learns. Combines my 2 favourite things: food & learning something new. @TECEdmonton @AWEbusiness

— Stephanie GP. (@take_roots) March 30, 2016

Thanks to everyone who attended our Lunch and Learn on Digital Marketing today! We’re grateful for the packed house and hope attendees are able to implement the key takeaways immediately. Also, thank you to TEC Edmonton for being a great host. TEC Edmonton’s purpose is to accelerate growth of emerging technology based companies, to learn more about them, please visit their website.

Everyone is getting their chow down before the @TECEdmonton lunch & learn! #digitalmarketing
— Top Draw Inc. (@TopDrawInc) March 30, 2016

Spending lunch at @TECEdmonton listening to @kenjurina of @TopDrawInc present online marketing.
— Brian Neufeld (@briantneufeld) March 30, 2016

“Unlike advertising on billboards, SEO is the gift that keeps on giving.” – @kenjurina #yeg @TECEdmonton
— Top Draw Inc. (@TopDrawInc) March 30, 2016

Thank you to @TopDrawInc and @TECEdmonton for the lunch and learn today about online marketing!
— Bailey (@yegBailey) March 30, 2016

Here are our slides from the event, feel free to contact us with questions!

The Power of Educational Lunch & Learn Events

Lunch & Learn events combine two essential elements: nourishment for the body and mind. These gatherings provide valuable digital marketing training opportunities in a relaxed setting. Attendees can absorb new knowledge while enjoying a meal, making the learning process more engaging and memorable.

Key Benefits of Digital Marketing Lunch & Learns

Digital marketing Lunch & Learns offer numerous advantages for businesses and professionals. These events foster networking opportunities among like-minded individuals. Participants can gain insights from industry experts and learn about the latest trends. The informal atmosphere encourages open discussions and idea sharing.

TEC Edmonton: Fostering Innovation and Growth

TEC Edmonton plays a crucial role in supporting emerging technology companies. The organization provides resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. TEC Edmonton’s partnership with Top Draw demonstrates its commitment to fostering digital marketing excellence in the local business community.

Collaborative Learning Environment

The packed house at the event showcased the high demand for digital marketing knowledge. Attendees from various industries came together to learn and share experiences. This diverse group created a rich learning environment, fostering cross-industry pollination of ideas.

SEO: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Ken Jurina’s statement about SEO being “the gift that keeps on giving” highlights its long-term value. Unlike traditional advertising, SEO efforts continue to yield results over time. Businesses can improve their online visibility and attract organic traffic through strategic SEO practices.

Implementing SEO Strategies for Long-Term Success

Effective SEO requires a multifaceted approach to achieve lasting results. Businesses must focus on creating high-quality, relevant content for their target audience. Optimizing website structure and improving page load speeds are crucial factors. Regular monitoring and adaptation of SEO strategies ensure continued success.

The Importance of Continuous Learning in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field that demands ongoing education. Professionals must stay updated on the latest algorithms, tools, and best practices. Attending events like Top Draw’s Lunch & Learn helps marketers stay ahead of industry trends and refine their strategies.

Applying Lunch & Learn Takeaways

Implementing knowledge gained from Lunch & Learn events is crucial for success. Attendees should review their notes and identify actionable insights. Creating a plan to incorporate new strategies into existing marketing efforts is essential. Regularly measuring the impact of these changes helps refine digital marketing approaches.

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